|| About Us ||

Introducing “Krishi Vines” : Unveiling the World of Agriculture in a Vine

Welcome to Krishi Vines, your one-stop destination for all things agriculture. Our team is a vibrant community that celebrates the beauty and potential of farming, bringing you closer to the heart of agriculture through engaging content and valuable resources.

Krishi Vines is a platform where farmers, enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about agriculture can come together to learn, share, and grow. We believe that the power of knowledge can transform the farming experience, and we’re here to unlock that potential. With our carefully curated collection of articles, videos, and interactive forums, Krishi Vines provides a wealth of information on topics ranging from crop cultivation techniques to livestock management, sustainable farming practices, and beyond. Our content is presented in a simple, accessible language that makes learning about agriculture enjoyable and easy.

Join us on Krishi Vines, where we connect the dots between nature and technology, empowering farmers and fostering a deeper understanding of the agricultural world. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or simply curious about the wonders of farming, let’s explore the vine together and discover the incredible possibilities within the realm of agriculture.

Meet our Team

Upendra Bhusal

Founder & Director

Email: Upendrabhusal300@gmail.com

Unisha Aryal

Program Coordinator

Email: Unishaaryal69@gmail.com

Kritika Kandal


Email: kritikakandel001@gmail.com

Raju Regmi

Communication Coordinator

Email: regmiyagnyaprasad@gmail.com

Nirupama Wagle

Communication Coordinator

Email: nirupamawagle@gmail.com

Shreya KC

Research & Planning Coordinator

Email: shreyakc714@gmail.com

Binita Dhakal

Finance Coordinator

Email: dhakalbinita33@gmail.com

Kamana Kumari Singh

Content Coordinator

Email: Kamanasingh29@gmail.com

Aakriti Subedi

Content Coordinator

Email: onlyaakritisubedi@gmail.com

Prajwal Ranabhat

Outreach Coordinator

Email: prajwalranabhat115@gmail.com

Our Vision and Mission

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