Climate Change in Nepal: Consequences, Causes, and Solutions – By Mamta Banstola || Krishi Vines

Nepal, a country rich in natural resources, faces countless damages from natural disasters. During the monsoon season, floods, landslides, and forest fires caused by excessive flows of rivers like the Rapti and Koshi inundate human settlements and farmland, resulting in significant losses every year. The issues related to these natural disasters are exacerbated by climate…

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Krishi Vines

“Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Rain-Fed Agriculture and Flash Floods in Nepal” – By Shahil Baral || Krishi Vines

IntroductionNepal relies heavily on agriculture, with more than 60% of its population depending on farming. The majority practice rain-fed agriculture, which is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Recent shifts in weather, such as inconsistent rainfall and more frequent flash floods, are beginning to disrupt traditional farming methods (Ministry of Agriculture Development, 2019; ICIMOD, 2021). These…

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