Explanation: Bajura Municipality is now using something called an “agricultural ambulance” to help farmers. Before this, many farmers in Bajura couldn’t take their crops to the market because there was no transportation available. But now, the municipality has started this special service to transport different vegetables and crops from the farmers’ fields to the market. This makes the farmers very happy because they can now sell their produce and earn more money.
The head of Bajura Municipality, Mayor Rajali, wants to improve farming and increase farmers’ income. They have been organizing various programs for agriculture in the villages, and one of these programs is the agricultural ambulance. Mayor Ammar Khadka said, “Even though the government has given introduction cards and agricultural pension cards to farmers, we still haven’t implemented all these programs.”
In recent times, most farmers in Bajura have depended on farming for their livelihoods. They have been growing good crops, but they couldn’t reach the market to sell them. That’s why the Municipality has taken steps to make sure the farmers’ produce can reach the market. They are also planning to build cold storage facilities in Martadi. But it’s not just Bajura Municipality’s responsibility to improve agriculture. They will work together with other municipalities to make these plans happen.
Mayor Ammar Khadka said, “We will work with Achham and some local areas to help farmers bring their locally grown organic vegetables, like the famous Saphe Bagera apples, to the market. We are starting the agricultural ambulance program in every part of the Municipality. In the past, the Municipality provided funding, but now we will share the cost: fifty percent from the farmers and fifty percent from the Municipality.”
From now on, every farmer in Bajura will be encouraged to grow something. The Municipality is also preparing guidelines to protect old varieties of crops in Bajura. Mayor Khadka shared these plans for the future.